Gasoline Alley Centre West. The day we were to open last year was the same day we closed down due to Covid19.
For the first three months that we were in our new location, we did not open our doors nor did we see any clients. We did what we could to support our community, our clients and our Black Rock therapists and staff from a distance.
Our Mission Statement is; To Help Our Clients Do More Of What They Love To Do.

One Year Anniversary How do we accomplish this?
All of our therapists have a calling and a purpose to help each client they see with this one goal in mind; Relax, Repair and Restore each client we have the privilege to treat.
It is through helping your body relax from the daily stresses and repair itself from the physical or emotional traumas that your body will restore some of the movement it has lost over the years.
Being a small business owner is a very unique calling. Under normal circumstances, it is a calling that comes as a roller coaster ride. Every day we ride the emotional roller coaster of highs and lows. This last year has been beyond words and comprehension but there has been one PHRASE that has gone through my mind nearly every day this year.
THIS! has inspired me to keep going and stay the course…
What does this phrase mean to me?
It means that I am lifted up and motivated to keep going by all the amazing ‘giants’ who make up our awe-inspiring team at Black Rock Therapies. Because of each and every one of them, Black Rock Therapies is what it is today. Debbie and I want to publicly say “THANK YOU” to our team for letting us help you do more of what you love to do.
So, for the next couple of weeks we will be celebrating our amazing Black Rock Therapies team on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Follow us so you can get to know the faces behind the masks of our amazing team.
We also know that this last year affected many small businesses here in central Alberta. So in celebration of our one year new location anniversary and our five year in business commemoration we are wanting to give back to the community and to some local small businesses.
For the next 9 months, starting in April until December of this year, we will put $1 for every new client at Black Rock Therapies towards the purchase of a gift certificate from a locally owned and operated business. This gift card will then be given away to one of our new clients from that month in a random selection draw.
As we look forward to the year ahead, I propose we look forward with hope in our thoughts and Love in our Hearts.
Thank you, it is an absolute honour to serve you!
Love From Dwayne and Debbie Manary and the Black Rock Therapies Team