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Black Rock Therapies

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Thai Massage is a unique massage modality that involves a series of guided, passive movements designed to leave clients feeling relaxed and at peace. This ancient form of massage incorporates a holistic healing approach, working through the body's myofascial meridians to provide optimal relaxation and balance. Our Thai Yoga Massages are custom-tailored to meet the individual needs of each client, utilizing techniques such as passive range of motion, joint mobilizations, and traction to improve flexibility and mobility. Our massages utilize supportive props and are delivered on a comfortable floor mat, with clients wearing activewear-style clothing. Experience complete stress relief and an increased range of motion with our Thai Yoga Massage.

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All About Thai Yoga Massages at Black Rock Therapies

How does it work?

Thai Yoga Massage is a holistic approach that works by incorporating a series of passive movements into the whole body. Through guided breathwork, Cranial-Sacral assistance and holds, and Marma Therapy, Thai Yoga Massage improves blood circulation, and range of motion, and reduces stress. These techniques are used to work through the body's myofascial meridians, or energy pathways, to provide an energetic reset and balance. During the massage, we develop a unique sequence to release, re-pattern, and re-strengthen the muscles and skeletal system during the session. By utilizing joint mobilization and creating space between the joints, our clients often report relief from lower back, shoulder, neck, knee, and ankle pain. The treatment is delivered on a Thai massage floor mat with supportive props, and clients wear comfortable clothing throughout the session.

Is the Thai Yoga Massage safe for expecting mothers?

Yes, the Thai Yoga Massage is safe and beneficial for expecting mothers! The Prenatal Thai Yoga Massage is a gentle and nurturing massage modality designed specifically for expecting mothers. The massage incorporates a series of guided movements that are passive in nature, leaving the mother feeling relaxed and settled. The use of bolsters and pillows cradles and supports the developing baby and helps alleviate the mother's lower back pressure. The massage also promotes circulation, provides stress relief, and balances the body's energy. Breathwork exercises during the massage can aid in future delivery. The massage is performed on a mat, and the client wears comfortable activewear-style clothing. This massage is perfect for expecting mothers to take a moment to unwind and connect with their bodies and babies.

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